Saturday, October 9, 2010

God is our loving Heavenly Father!

Right now i would like you to think about your Dad! If you dont have a father than i would like you to think of your mother or grandparents. I want you to think about your favorite memories with this person. I want you to now think of why they were so great and why they were your favorite memories
One of my favorite memories was with my Dad and how he would take the family to the warm river in Idaho and feed the fishes out there! As little kids we would love to do that and he would see how much it made us happy! This was one of the high lights of my life not only was i happy but i knew that my dad cared about his family! My dad loves each and everyone of his kids! He would do anything to make us happy! That is how our Father in Heaven is!
God is our heavenly father and we are literally his children. He loves us so much and wants whats best for us. He loves us that he gave us this earth to live, learn, and grow on, He has given us families to be with on this earth life, and he gave his only begotten Son to suffer for us so that we may return to live with him again in heaven!
I want the parents now to think. Do you think you could give your child up for the whole world? Do you think you could watch your child suffer for the whole world?
None of us would ever want to do that!
Heavenly Father had to go through that! He loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten Son so that we may live with him again!
God truly does want us to be happy and to learn and grow here on earth! Sure we go through tough times and God lets us go through those times so that we can learn from those experiences! He wants the best for us!
So i ask you to keep that in mind that we are all here together on this journey to get back to our loving Heavenly Father! I am so grateful for my Father in Heaven. I can turn to him whenever i am in need! I love him and i know he loves us!
To know more i invite you to go request for missionaries in your area to talk to you! They can help you through this journey!
Elder Larson